Mail: onehopeyouthoutreach@gmail.com
Phone: (403) 501-4169
About Me
Hi, my name is Stephen Ropp.
I started One Hope Youth Outreach (OHYO) as a way to use what God has taught and given me to bless the Youth of Brooks and Area. This past year with the support of my wife Anna, we have been preparing for Words for Life with OHYO. We have had bible studies in our home and hosted community-wide youth events like Drenched and the Backyard Bash.
I believe your life matters and use spiritual mentorship, life coaching, social justice projects, weekend retreats, school clubs, events, small groups, and fun times to help students see that God is the reason your life matters.
All ministry expenses and my salary are fundraised through people who believe in supporting the youth of our area. OHYO donations also support the administration costs of Words for Life. OHYO is an agency partner of Bridges of Hope, which has its main office in Lethbridge, AB.