Read the Bible
Youth ages 12-22
Your challenge is to read or listen to all 66 books of the Bible, and watch BibleProject videos at your own pace, on your own time, and to see how far you can get in the story before a February 1, 2024. Download our suggested reading plan here. Seize this opportunity to read the Bible as a story for yourself, change lives, and have fun while doing it!
Why read the Bible?
The Bible is considered the world’s most popular and most widely distributed book.
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(According to The Guinness Book of World Records, since 1815 the Bible has sold approximately 5 billion copies and has been translated into 349 languages; 2123 languages have at least one book of the Bible in that language. The Bible is controversial and while some readers have been martyred others have ruled countries.
Western law and culture has been influenced by the Bible. It has been used to justify and prohibit slavery. The Bible ensured heroism took on new meaning: a self-sacrificing servant refusing to bow to evil and falsehood, rather than a brutal triumphant knight. The Bible unpacks the value of human life, not monetarily, or in terms of usefulness but as made in God’s likeness.
To read the entire Bible and get a glimpse of the major themes connecting the Books together is to get a glimpse of the source code for Western civilizations framework for the last millenium, impacting: language, culture, law, morality, human rights, arts, literature, society, music, science, and the environment.
Why has a book had so much influence? You may discover this is a very spiritual book that speaks to our spirit, calms our minds, and can give purpose and direction. Some believe it is a love letter from the creator of the universe who wants to be your friend and show you His plan for a great life of lasting influence. Read it for yourself, can’t wait to hear what you think!
Find people to sponsor you
Get Adults to sponsor you to complete the challenge and raise money for 1 of 4 Life-Giving Projects around the world to bring water, micro-loans, food, and Education. Your sponsorship gives physical life to those in need. Click here for more information about the projects you could choose to sponsor. Raise a minimum of $25 to qualify for prize draws.
Over $4,000 in prizes
We are giving away $4000 because we believe reading this ancient story (the Bible) is worth your time! Our mission statement for the Words4Life Challenge is motivated to read the Bible with purpose and incentive through community. The fundraising, progress updates, pins, prizes are all part of creating a motivated community that encourages each other to accomplish more than you could alone. We believe in the end our collective accomplishments will be worth abundantly more than $4000. The experience of being part of something bigger than yourself, that makes a difference at home and abroad while building community across generational lines—we believe—is priceless!
There is a draw for every book of the Bible you read and watch Bible Project videos for. Depending on the length of the Book the draws range from $10, $20, $30, and $40 in value. 50% of every prize you win goes to the project you choose(Water, Education, Micro-loans, or Food).
Other draws to watch out for:
- $200 draw for watching 100 Bible Project videos
- $100 draw for reading Pentateuch(Genesis-Deuteronomy) and corresponding Bible Project videos
- $100 draw for HISTORY(Joshua-Esther) and corresponding Bible Project videos
- $100 draw for POETRY(Job-Song of Songs) and corresponding Bible Project videos
- $100 draw for MAJOR PROPHETS(Isaiah-Daniel) and corresponding Bible Project videos
- $50 draw for GOSPELS(Matthew – John) and corresponding Bible Project videos
- $40 draw for PAULINE EPISTLES(Romans-Philemon) and corresponding Bible Project videos
- $100 draw for MINOR PROPHETS(Hosea-Malachi) and corresponding Bible Project videos
- $25 draw for GENERAL EPISTLES(Hebrews – Jude) and corresponding Bible Project videos
- $35 draw for PROPHECY(Acts & Revelation) and corresponding Bible Project videos
- $400 draw for reading the New Testament and corresponding Bible Project videos
- $500 draw for reading the Old Testament and corresponding Bible Project Videos
- $1000 draw for reading the Entire Bible and watching all the Bible Project videos from our Bible Project reading plan pdf (as they are always making new ones). The pdf is located in “Important Resources to help you read the Bible”.
How many draws will you win?
(All amounts are in CAD dollars)