How to Fundraise
Water Wells
In January 2017, a group of nurses from Alberta and Saskatchewan travelled to the African country of Burkina Faso to provide rural villages with prenatal health seminars. During this trip, we found that the lack of access to fundamental resources, like water, were at the root of many of the villager’s issues, health related and otherwise. Villagers need to travel up to 25km twice a day in order to have access to water. This task is often delegated to children, which means many of them are unable to attend school, leaving them uneducated, and ultimately, setting them up for a much more difficult life.
This situation spurred us to pair with a local Lethbridge charity (Bridges of Hope) to form ‘Dig Deep’. Dig Deep is meant to empower people in the developing world through the construction and maintenance of water wells. We want to help these kids and their families by offering each of the ten villages we visited reliable and convenient access to clean water, therefore reducing water-contaminated illness and giving children the opportunity to attend school.
We want to make a difference in the lives of people who live and suffer in day-to-day poverty, and would truly appreciate any help, financial or otherwise. The average cost of a well is between $12,000 to $15,000. Please consider joining with us to empower the people of Burkina Faso.

Get started
Microloans are small loans given to individuals and groups to start and grow a business. These loans provide hope to hungry and vulnerable people. Most microloans are provided to women in a co-operative and can free families from poverty in one to two generations. 88% of Microloans are provided to people below the poverty line of $1 per day.
We know how to profoundly impact the way people live, right now. We believe in a world where every person gets a job or grows business and we will continue to fight till that happens. Business is the only sustainable solution to poverty relief and community empowerment.
Dreams are universal, opportunities are not. You can help people around the world create opportunities for themselves, their families and their communities. You can use your skills and resources to support small and medium enterprises through mentoring and training; start businesses with local entrepreneurs, market goods from the developing world; and invest in a transformational project or business.
Anyone can help a borrower start or grow a business, go to school, access clean water or realize their potential. For some, it’s a matter of survival, for others it’s the fuel for a life-long ambition.
Berthe’s business started out of necessity when she lost her job. She uses raw ingredients such as millet, couscous and baobab fruit and processes it into 10 different nutritious products that she packages and markets. She even designed her own logo. Her business is run from her tiny home and her microloan was instrumental in the purchase of a drying oven. Berthe now employs six other women who also benefit from this one Microloan.
Did you know for every one person who receives a microloan, there is a positive impact to 15 others?
Individual start-up: $60.00
Cooperative of six people: $360.00
Cooperative support for one year: $1080.00
Complete Microloan sponsorship with interest providing a lifetime child sponsorship: $3000
Get started
Every day, families struggle to feed themselves and many go without any food at all. A third of childhood deaths in developing countries is attributed to malnutrition.
When one child gets one meal per day, they are able to go to school and learn what they need to be able to grow up with the potential to break this cycle and support their families. Bridges of Hope makes meals for orphaned and malnourished children in Burkina Faso.
- For 27 cents per day, you can feed one child in Burkina Faso.
- For $27 we can feed 100 children. Bridges of Hope is hoping to feed 1.5 million in the next several months.
- 1 in 4 children in Burkina Faso, West Africa suffer from malnutrition. Bridge’s of Hope’s Centre for Rehabilitation Education & Nutrition(CREN) provides suffering children with appropriate treatment and follow-up, and provides mothers with essential education focused on malnutrition and other common illnesses.
- It costs $50 to treat and save the life of a severely malnourished child
How many children will you feed?
Get started
Millions of children worldwide cannot afford to go to school. Through Bridges of Hope, you can provide a bursary for a child’s annual school fees in a rural village of Burkina Faso.
- To send one child to school raise: $96
- To send two children to school raise: $192
- To send 10 children to school raise: $960